Sunday, 24 February 2019


      Certain skills are considered essential to the provision of FIRST AID and are taught universally. So here is one of them called DR'S ABC which focuses on critical life saving interventions that must be provided before the treatmemt of less serious injuries.
   It stands for:

  .D = Danger 

  .R = Response

  .S = Shout for Help                                        

  .A = Airways                             

  .B = Breathing

  .C = Circulation

Firstly make sure that the ambulance is on it's way or to make call for emergency.

Then move on to the DR'S ABC uptill and untill ambulance or any professional medical help arrives.


   First look around carefully to make sure that the area is safe for yourself and others before approaching.



  Shake them gently by shoulders and ask them "Are u alright...??? ". If there is no response then move on to the next step.

                SHOUT FOR HELP

     Start Shout for help as any assistance may be helpful.


   Gently turn the head back in the direction shown here to open up the airways.


  Look , Listen and Feel for sense of normal breathing.  Look for normal chest movements.   Try to feel their breath against your face.

Do this for not more than 10seconds if there is no sign for breathing or their breathing is an unusual or in noisy way then we need to move to the next step.


     Still if there is an unusal situation ; the breathing is not overcome so we need to improve the circulation which means to improve the flow of blood around the body when the heart stops pumping and we need to start CPR to improve the circulation.

First Aid

First Aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a serious illness or injury suddenly.
        It is the care provided to preserve life,prevent the condition from worsening or to promote the recovery.
        It includes the initial intervention in a serious condition prior to professional medical help being available.
        There are many situations which may require the emergency FIRST AID. It involves the improvisation with materials available at that time; often by the untrained people around.

.CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) while awaiting for an ambulance.

.Complete treatment of minor conditions;such as applying a Plaster to a cut.



If you are Choking and starting to suffocate but there's no one around to help you... So don't worry..!!! "You can save ...